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Sunday, August 30, 2020

IMMO BLOCK A product that avoids the Key Fob double-tap to start a 993!


I rarely endorse third-party products but this one is truly plug-and-play and completely eliminates the timing-out function of the ignition when the car is left to sit while still immobilizing the ignition when the doors are locked. Most importantly it avoids doing expensive internal ECU and fusebox/relay modifications to achieve similar results that can cause technical problems down the road and are not easily reversed when sorting out Ignition/Alarm/Immobilizer issues or when selling the car.

The 993 comes with an ignition immobilizer function as an anti-drive-off security feature. It is enabled in two ways. 

  • One when the doors are locked using the electronic key fob and the other; 
  • When the car is simply left to sit for three minutes or more.

The annoyance comes into play when one has a good reason to leave the car standing for greater than three minutes forcing one to double-tap the fob or fiddle with the fob button while the key is in the ignition to disable the immobilizer. This happens every time: 

  • One goes out to the garage to use their 993 having sat overnight with the doors unlocked;
  • One fills their tank with gas;
  • One takes their 993 in for service sometimes resulting in a call from your mechanic asking why their car won't start or from simply; 
  • Sitting in your car or washing your car;
  • Also, when using the On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) port one needs to disable the Immobilizer to use the reader.

Doing the double-tap dance also causes literally hundreds of unnecessary door lock actuations potentially leading to excessive door mechanisms' wear. This is the dollar value proposition of this product, by avoiding just one servicing of the door locking mechanism will pay for this product. 

I installed the IMMO- BLOCK in my 993.

  • Works on USA and CANADA-delivered cars;
  • Just plug it in, and the installation is completely reversible;
  • Has an internal 9-volt battery that has a service life of about two years;
  • If the internal battery dies the immobilizer still functions normally as it did from the factory until the battery is replaced;
  • It does not require internal software changes to the BOSCH Motronic Control unit as other products require;
  • It does not interfere with key fob programming/mating to the car. The procedure for mating fobs can be found here.
  • It disables the normal door chime function as it replaces the door chime relay behind the gauges in the dash;
  • It does not add any meaningful draw (parasitic battery loss) to the overall electrical system;
  • I added aftermarket automatic door locks and a headlight /turn signal left-on chimes to my car previously and it doesn't interfere with their function;
  • For those engineers among us who want the option to eliminate the 9 Volt battery internal to IMMO-BLOCK, Here is a page that describes how to do it.
  • Designed and manufactured by a really nice guy Jay Mingrone,, who is very active on and gives great communication and support;
  • This product will not address existing system faults causing the door LEDs to flash in couplets, the Immobilizer status light in the clock to flash, losses of the ability to mate keyfobs or other faults with the Alarm/Immobilizer system. Look here to resolve such issues.
UPDATE 11/21/2021 
I have now had it in my daily driver 993 for quite some time now and have found it to be quite an enjoyable and reliable upgrade with no issues.
UPDATE 08/17/2022
Just replaced the battery in the unit in my car. It lasted about two years. Easy to replace.
UPDATE 2/19/2023
Jay now offers a procedure to eliminate the battery for those who desire this.
Here is a page describing where an IMMO BLOCK customer  did the conversion on their car as a DIY effort:

NEWS FLASH... 1/29/2025 Jay of IMMO BLOCK fame now offers economical replacement remote entry fobs for the 993 that are completely compatible with the 993 and can be mated using the factory procedure on this page
He also offers second & third-generation fobs both will allow these new fobs to be mated (cloned) from any existing fob that is presently mated to your 993. This is a significant development in that some find it challenging to mate additional backup fobs to their 993 using the factory procedure. The second generation (F1-EZ) fob is sent into Jay to clone, and the third generation (F2) fob can be cloned by the 993 owner at home. 

A description of how to use these new cloned fobs can be found at the bottom of this page:

An inexpensive backup key to go with the above fob:
If you are looking for an inexpensive backup key to go with the above fob,
I recently had a 993 key made for me at a "KeyMe" kiosk at Walmart.
The machine scanned my somewhat worn key and it appeared in my home mailbox within a week, The completed key works perfectly in my ignition.
The key is not the pretty Porsche branded key as it is made from a standard aftermarket non-Porsche key blank. If you are considering purchasing a replacement electronic remote fob from IMMO BLOCK to make a backup key+fob set this is an inexpensive alternative source for a key.

Great companion additions to a 993 IMMO BLOCK are:
If you found this page informative return to the main page and bookmark it for future 993-related servicing, repair, and upgrading guidance & information. If it saved you some time aggravation or even a little coin consider a donation through the button on the top left margin of this page.

#IMMO # imo #BLOCK # Block #IMMO-BLOCK #Immobalizer #Anti #Plug-and-play #fob #electronic  

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