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Friday, February 21, 2020

Clutch, Master & Slave Cylinder and Peddle Cluster Kinematic Lever Issues

Clutch - IF not replaced once in the past. All sorts of shifting issues can present when a clutch is at the end of its life including slipping on acceleration, a hard to actuate clutch even dinging gears when shifting. A 993 should shift as easily as a Honda Civic. If this is not your experience have it looked at.

Clutch Hydraulic Actuation and Peddle -  If you are experiencing changes in the behavior or smoothness of travel of your clutch peddle you may have a leaking clutch cylinder or a failed clutch peddle lever. In my experience, this can quickly digress into being unable to actuate the clutch at all. The master and slave clutch cylinders should both be replaced at the same time, if original, once one begins to leak. Also, consider replacing the kinematic clutch lever in the peddle cluster at the same time as it is a known failure point on the 993 even after multiple design revisions.

According to the 993 factory shop manual - the solution to fix the clutch pedal not fully returning problem is to replace the kinematic lever in the clutch pedal assembly. 
Kinematic Lever

The newest part number for the kinematic lever is 993.423.519.03, apparently, Porsche had a total of 4 different updates for this lever.  Defective part numbers are 993.423.519.00 or 993.423.519.01 (gold color).  The improved parts are 993.423.519.02 or 03 (olive color) 

I had a master cylinder failure shortly followed by a slave failure where the clutch lever was also broken, all at about 100K miles on my car.

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  1. Under "Clutch Hydraulic Actuation..." you mention a clutch lever in the peddle (sic) cluster. As I look at PET I see 2 different parts in the pedal cluster that are called levers. Which one are you referring to?

    1. According to the 993 factory shop manual, the solution to fix the clutch pedal not fully return problem is to replace the kinematic lever in the clutch assembly. The newest part number for the kinematic lever is 993.423.519.03, apparently Porsche had a total of 4 different updates for this lever. Defective part numbers are 993.423.519.00 or 993.423.519.01 (gold color). The improved parts are 993.423.519.02 or 03 (olive color)
